Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


Okay you might not want to hear this, but…

If your content ideas are a lot of “3 tips to…” and “5 steps for…”, that’s not the type of content that’s going to build an engaged community. 

A tip or trick doesn’t make anyone feel like you KNOWWW them and like you’re inside their head. 

Wanna know what does? 

Content that speaks to the symptom that your ideal client is feeling. 

For example, let’s say you’re selling a silk pillowcase. If your content is “3 reasons why you should be using a silk pillowcase”, you already lost people and they’re going to scroll. 

But if instead you say “if you’re waking up with frizzy hair and annoying tangles that are impossible to get out, it’s probably because you’re not using a silk pillowcase. Here’s why you should make the switch.” THAT is going to catch their attention because you spoke directly to a symptom they’re experiencing. 

Because if they aren’t actively looking for a silk pillowcase, why the heck would they care about the benefits of one? 

This is why being super clear on WHO you’re talking to is the way you’re going to create better content. If you don’t have a solid content strategy for Instagram or Tiktok, steal mine here.

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