Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


Do you love or hate Instagram Reels? I get it, you feel like you’re posting and posting but you can’t seem to get a reel past 500 views. You’re definitely not alone! I’ve refined my strategy many many times to be able to have grown from 0-30k in 5 months on Instagram.

I’ve been able to leverage reels to make MORE money in my online business as a content creator and I’m going to show you exactly how.

Figure out what problem you solve for your ideal client.

You need to get so clear on who your ideal client is. Not their age and where they live. What are their problems and desires? What are they experiencing because of that problem? Instead of spending time scrolling for reels to recreate, understand your IC deeper! That is how you’re going to create better content for them.

Think about when you share a reel or Tiktok with your friend, you share it because it would resonate with them in some way. That’s exactly how well you should know your ideal client. You can create content for them consistently in a way that resonates with them.

Create reels and carousels that speak to those problems in different ways.

You don’t have to come up with fresh new ideas every time. You should be repeating yourself! (Framing effect). You should have content pillars (3-5 topics you talk about) and be creating content around those pillars and you need to be finding different ways to talk about those things.

You will sound like a broken record but that means you’re doing it right. And don’t forget, your ideal client doesn’t know as much as you and won’t be able to tell that you’re talking about the same thing over and over.

Keep posting.

If you are in this for instant gratification it’s going to be hard for you. As a content creator or business owner you are never going to stop creating content, so get comfortable! Create a framework you can repeat so content creation becomes easy AND fun.

If you need to, batch content every Sunday so staying consistent is way easier for you.

Nail 1-3 first and then create your offer.

You want to understand your ideal client and what they want/need so you can create something they would actually buy. Too many content creators and business owners make the mistake of creating their offer but not knowing how to create content that sells their offer.

I teach you how to not let that be you in The IG Bootcamp. Join me and the 130+ business owners who are in the program and completely leveling up with Instagram growth and sales!

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The only method you need to go viral on Instagram in the next 90 days.


Nice to meet you!

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