Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


It’s 2024 and you’ve seen the content creators on your Instagram and Tiktok feeds and you’ve always want to do it but you have so many interests it’s giving you analysis paralysis. You keep putting it off but you want this year to be the year you finally go all in and build your audience.

Before I tell you the steps of getting clear on your niche as a content creator, what even is a niche? And why do you need one?

A niche is simply a topic you talk about and create content around. Why do you need one? For a few reasons. Having a niche makes it super easy to attract your dream followers and get them to follow your account because they know exactly what they’re going to get. You may have heard the saying “confusion kills conversion” and it’s so true.

Having a niche will not only help you grow faster because you’re known for something but it will also help you connect with your audience even more because you have a shared interest.

I like to use this example of restaurants. A restaurant like the Cheesecake Factory that has a 700 page menu with every kind of cuisine you could want is not very appealing and super overwhelming. Whereas I have my favorite spots for Mexican food, sushi, Indian food, and pizza. I know them for a very specific thing and they’ve mastered that one thing.

Okay now that we’ve covered that, how can you pick your niche so you can start living out your content creator dreams?

Your expertise

The easiest place to first look is what you’re good at. Now you definitely don’t need a PhD in this topic, you just need to know 10% more than someone else. Maybe you are an expert as maximizing your credit card points for travel and all of your friends are jealous. Obviously you didn’t go to college for that, but that is an expertise that someone else would pay money to learn how to do.

Think about what you went to school for, what certifications you have, or what transformation you’ve achieved for yourself.

Your passion

As a content creator you are going to be creating a lotttt of content! So naturally you should love what you’re talking about and creating content around. This could truly be anything. Don’t hold yourself back if there’s a topic you could talk about all day. I guarantee there are tons of other people who also love that topic and would love to follow someone who can give them more of it.


My guess is that you’re not posting on Instagram ONLY for fun so you want to make sure that you can make money from your niche and that it is actually profitable. Doing this research now will make your path to monetizing your account a lot easier. An example of a niche that is probably not profitable is teaching people how to be a travel agent. On the other hand, a super profitable niche is teaching people how to be UGC creators. You definitely want to do market research on your niche and make sure that there’s not only people who have built audiences in that niche but that are also making money whether that’s from digital products, affiliate links, or brand collaborations.

And there you have it, 3 steps to getting clear on your niche! Having a niche is important in attracting your dream follower, building your community, and growing quickly on Instagram.

If your goal is to grow on Instagram and become our content creator, sign up for my FREE class that walks you through the 3 steps you need for growing your first 10k followers on Instagram. Save your seat here!

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